Meet the MAC INC Team

Evan & Jessie MacDonald
Consistently voted #1 as Niagara’s top broker and real estate office. For two years in a row we’ve had the highest average sale price in the Niagara Region. Of the top 6 sales over the last two years we’ve put together 3 of them and have put together more deals on the water than anyone, ever!
Accomplishments like this are just not possible without an amazing team. We may be the face of the company but the foundation and the reason why we are able to do what we do is 100% because of the dream team behind the scenes.

Evan MacDonald
CEO & Founder
Head coach, sales rep and head of development. Married well and put together an unbelievable team that makes him look good.
If Evan was a super hero he’d be Tony Stark

Jessie MacDonald
Broker and head coach, a shrewd negotiator and extremely competitive. Jessie is so organized she’s most known for having sticky notes on her sticky notes.
If Jessie was a super hero she’d be Super Girl

Wes Keller
Blackframe Cinema
When it comes to photo and video, absolutely nobody is better than Wes. He is an absolute rockstar and with pros like this in your corner you know you’re going to get maximum exposure.
If Wes was a super hero he’d be Dr. Strange

Gillian Stoddart
Administration Manager
The big heart in the office. Gillian is always looking for ways to make the real estate experience more enjoyable and seamless. Her extensive experience supporting executive-level businesses and individuals really takes our white glove experience to another level.
If Gillian was a superhero she’d be Cat Woman

Krystal Adair
Krystal keeps us organized on track and where we need to be. Nothing gets past Krystal if Gillian’s the heart then Krystal’s the soul of this operation.
If Krystal was a superhero she’d be the Hulk

Carey Benvenuti
Mortgage broker
Carey is an award winning mortgage broker who works around the clock to get our clients deals together. In a time where financing is so essential having Carey in the office is a huge advantage.
If Carey was a super hero she’d be Black Widow

Todd Garvie
Property management
Todd takes on everything property management related. With a gift for filling investment properties with incredible tenants building amazing relationships with our investors so they can focus on what really matters in life.
If Todd was a super hero he’d be The Invisible Man ( nobody ever sees him but somehow everything gets down)

Jayden Crowley
Finance manager
Jayden keeps us in the black and the lights on. When analyzing business opportunities, developments, investments, Reno’s and new builds absolutely nobody is better than Jayden. This part of the business can be very complicated having Jayden here to make it clear for our clients puts us on another level.
If Jayden was a super hero he’d be Megamind

Li Cheng
Collaborative legal councel
Keeping us legal and giving us a competitive edge by having immediate legal counsel at our fingertips we can move quickly while others wait for advice.
If li was a super hero he’d be spider man